School Nurse
Hope Fenn-School Nurse
A school nurse ensures that students are healthy, safe, and ready to learn.
In accordance with Connecticut General statutes, each student enrolled in the Waterbury school system is required to have a health assessment by a legally qualified practitioner of medicine (physician or osteopath licensed to practice in the United States), or by an advanced practice registered nurse, or Physician Assistant licensed to practice in Connecticut according to the following schedule:
- Prior to initial entrance into preschool programs
- Prior to initial entrance into kindergarten
- For transfer students, prior to initial entrance into the Waterbury schools
Please contact our nurse for information on physicals, immunizations, medication administration forms, and medication drop-off.
Medication Policy
The policy and procedures for the administration of medication in schools have been written in accordance with Connecticut Education Laws. Families and physicians are encouraged to develop medication schedules for students, which do not interrupt the school day. Unfortunately, there are children who could not be maintained in the classroom without medication during the day; therefore, the Department of Education and Health recognized their responsibility in providing assistance to these children. No medication will be given without written prescription from a licensed physician/dentist, a written parent request and approval of the School Medical Advisor and meet the following guidelines:
- Medications must be brought to school by an adult responsible for the child's care.
- Medications must be in the original container with a prescription label stating how it is to be given.
- No more than a 45-day supply of medication should be brought in at one time.
- All medications must be picked up by the parent after the order for giving medication has expired or when the school year ends. All medications not picked up will be destroyed.
- The HUSKY Health Care plan is a state and federal funded program to provide free or affordable insurance for children who otherwise may not have health insurance coverage. Applications are available in the nurse's office.